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Flotation Products

Flotation Products

The DEHSCOFIX® flotation frothers aim to deliver a full spectrum of froth flotation properties.

They provide the strength and selectivity required in mineral and coal flotation applications. DEHSCOFIX® flotation frothers range includes alcohols, glycol ethers, polyglycol ethers and blends of increasing strength. Innospec frothers are proprietary chemicals that have been tested for fine as well as coarse particle size recovery in laboratories, pilot plants and operational plant across the globe. Our frothers are split between oil soluble (FB series) and water soluble (FL series). DEHSCOFIX® 40 and 50 series are categorized as strong, stable and persistent frothers, DEHSCOFIX® 60-70 series are categorized as medium strength frothers and DEHSCOFIX® 80 series are categorized as weak and selective frothers. 

Our range includes:


The DEHSCOFIX® Strong Frother series are often used alone, where their strength (due in part to their higher molecular weight) imparts superior qualities for coarse particles recovery in flotation circuits. They can be combined with other products to augment froth characteristics for desired properties and performance.


DEHSCOFIX® FB54 is hydrophobic and produces strong, drier froth characterized with fine froth structure and mobility. It demonstrates fast kinetics. DEHSCOFIX® FB54 is a robust frother suitable for operations where strong froths are required to assist flotation of coarse and middlings fractions and where rapid kinetics initially are desirable. It’s an efficient frother useful for overcoming froth resistance and stability problems.


DEHSCOFIX® FL49 is a stronger frother with moderate hydrophobicity and improved water retention. It has strong froth generation and froth persistence, producing well defined bubbles and uniform froth generation down-the-bank. DEHSCOFIX® FL49 is suitable for operations where strong froths are required, and where froth persistence and stability is more important than rapid kinetics. It is recommended for recovery of coarse size fractions and usually results in reduced dosage and better froth depth control.


DEHSCOFIX® FL55 has low to moderate hydrophobicity. It has high froth strength and fast flotation kinetics. DEHSCOFIX® FL55 produces tight, strong bubbles of good mobility. The combination of high froth strength and rapid flotation kinetics offers improved recovery of coarse size fraction particles in rougher-scavenger cells.


DEHSCOFIX® FL57 produces mobile, fluid froths with well-defined froth structure and bubble size distribution. It’s suitable for applications requiring strong froth stability and good froth depth control. DEHSCOFIX® FL57 demonstrates a fine balance between stability and selectivity. Suited to both intermediate and coarse particles size distributions.



The DEHSCOFIX® Intermediate Frother series are the medium strength (due to molecular weight) with a combination of selectivity, stability and moderate kinetics. Performance is comparable to medium strength, intermediate molecular weight, glycol ether based frothers.


DEHSCOFIX® FL75 is an industry alternative to DowfrothTM 250. It can also be used as an alternative to other medium strength, intermediate molecular weight, glycol ether/ propylene glycol based frothers. DEHSCOFIX® FL75 produces a mobile, freely draining froth of intermediate strength. It offers a combination of selectivity, froth stability and moderate kinetics. It can be used in a wide range of flotation applications where a balance of selectivity and strength is required. DEHSCOFIX® FL75 is suitable for a wide range of flotation applications where a balance of selectivity and strength is required, with moderate persistence and good froth control enabled.


DEHSCOFIX® FB67 is a fine, freely draining froth with intermediate strength. It offers good selectivity, efficiency and kinetics. DEHSCOFIX® FB67 is suitable for flotation applications where both selectivity and froth strength is required. It offers good depth control and applicable to coarse sizes.



The DEHSCOFIX® Weak Frother series are the lower strength, highly selective frother range. It produces a mobile, dry froth with low to moderate stability. Performance is comparable to MIBC and other low molecular weight, alcohol based.


DEHSCOFIX® FL82 has low to moderate hydrophobicity producing mobile, well-draining froths of intermediate stability. DEHSCOFIX® FL82 is selective in base metal flotation, providing improved flotation kinetics and intermediate froth strengths. It often results in lower water recovery and improved gangue rejection.


DEHSCOFIX® FBB1 produces dry, loose and brittle froths of low to moderate stability. DEHSCOFIX® FBB1 is an alternative to MIBC and low molecular weight alcohol based frothers.



Our DEHSCOFIX® DK range of non-ionic, anionic and cationic dispersants and depressants are used to facilitate the rejection of clays, silicates, carbonates, asbestos and carbon typically found in sulfide minerals.

These low and intermediate molecular weight polymers improve process efficiency by increasing the degree and recovery of the flotation concentrate. They have been specifically produced to reduce iron sulfides, maintain a low viscosity, disperse lime silt, talc, disperse clays, hydrophobic gangue and silicates. Polymers can also be used as a suspension viscosity modifier.