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Our range includes:



DEHSCOFIX® DG series are carbon blanking agents used in gold leaching processes (CIL/CIP) to prevent preg-robbing by carbonaceous or graphitic material. This allows goldcyanide complex to attach preferentially to activated carbon. The addition of the blanking agent improves gold recovery during leach.



DEHSCOFIX® SW series are liquid polymeric coagulants for the treatment of fine particles in aqueous suspension. These products are designed to be effective against colloidal silica across a broad pH range. Colloidal silica can cause problems with flocculation, initiating crud
formation in solvent extraction (SX), decreasing extraction kinetics and increasing SX phase disengagement times. The DEHSCOFIX® SW series help to improve process efficiency and reduce organic reagent losses by minimizing crud formation.



DEHSCOFIX® EW series are a combination of low foam surfactants to tackle issues with acid mist and cathode morphology. They are effective in reducing the mist as well as improving the morphology of the cathode. 

In the final stage of electrowinning oxygen bubbles form on the anode. Bursting of these bubbles at the solution/air interface produces fine acid-containing liquid droplets which become airborne and disperse throughout the workplace as acid mist. Suppressing this reduces the health hazard to workers and prevents severe structural and equipment corrosion in tank houses.



DEHSCOFIX® DA series are versatile dewatering aids used to reduce the surface tension of the water to facilitate filtration in solid liquid separation systems. The DEHSCOFIX® DA series reduce cake moisture in the filtration of mineral slurries and give a more even filtering of water by combining excellent wetting properties with surface tension reduction.