Innospec believes that honest and transparent business conduct is vital and is committed to ethical business practices and actively enforcing compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and rules.
Innospec’s supplier code of conduct (the “Code”) applies to all Innospec’s suppliers, service providers, and other contractors (“Suppliers”). All Suppliers are responsible for ensure that all employees are involved with Innospec business are familiar, and comply, with the Code. Innospec reserves the right to amend this Code at its sole discretion.
Non-compliance with this Code may lead to consequences including termination of the relationship with Innospec. If at any time a Supplier becomes aware of an actual or potential violation of this Code, or otherwise has any compliance related concern, the matter must be promptly reported to Innospec in accordance with its Reporting Corporate Governance Concerns Policy.
Suppliers are required to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and rules in the countries in which the Supplier is located or does business, including relevant international laws and regulations such as those related to business integrity, human rights and safety, health, and environment.
To view the T's & C's by entity and by country click here.
All business must be conducted free from all forms of corruption or bribery including facilitation payments (grease payments) and fraud. Suppliers must keep all gifts, entertainment, and hospitality with Innospec reasonable in nature, value, and frequency, entirely for business purposes and must not be intended to influence decisions about future business in any way.
Suppliers are expected to implement sufficiently robust risk management procedures and internal controls to detect, prevent, deter and respond to all forms of financial crime including tax evasion, money laundering, fraud and the financing of terrorism.
Suppliers are required to comply with all applicable trade rules, export controls, restrictions, sanctions and import-export embargos including laws, regulations and rules relating to illegal boycotts.
Suppliers are to compete fairly and must comply with all applicable competition and anti-trust laws. Suppliers must avoid agreements and practices that have a restrictive effect on competition such as price fixing, market allocation or abuse of a dominant position.
Suppliers must comply with all relevant data protection laws, including where applicable the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 and the UK Data Protection Act 2018.
Suppliers must not engage, with Innospec employees in any way that could cause an actual or potential conflict of interest. Suppliers must not seek to take advantage through manipulation, concealment, abuse of privileged or confidential information, misrepresentation of material facts or any other unfair dealing practice.
Suppliers are expected to respect and safeguard Innospec’s intellectual property including its know-how and confidential information which must not be shared with any third party unless expressly authorized. All information provided by Innospec that is not in the public domain is deemed confidential and is only to be used for its intended purpose. All confidential information belonging to third parties must be obtained and used legitimately and in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and contractual obligations.
Suppliers must not unlawfully use insider information relating to Innospec for material gain or disclose insider information to unauthorized persons. Suppliers must not use confidential information when trading in Innospec shares.
Suppliers should ensure that all business dealings are transparent and accurately and completely recorded. These records must be retained in accordance with all applicable laws.
Innospec respects the human rights of all individuals and expects the same from its Suppliers.
Suppliers are expected to treat their workers fairly and with respect and dignity. No worker is to be subjected to any physical, sexual, psychological, verbal harassment or abuse or other form of intimidation. There must be no illegal discrimination in employment based on race; age; role; gender; gender identity; color; ethnicity; country of origin; social class; religion; sexual orientation; marital status; pregnancy; dependents; disability; union membership; political views; or any other reason.
Suppliers must not permit any form of forced, bonded, child labor or human trafficking and must not permit any form of unacceptable treatment of its workers including exploitation of children or involuntary servitude.
Suppliers shall commit to implementing a fair policy of employment and remuneration in compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and rules. Suppliers must comply with all applicable laws and regulations relating to minimum wage and working hours.
Suppliers must respect and recognize all applicable legal rights of workers to freedom of association and collective bargaining. Workers are not to be intimidated or harassed in the exercise of this legal right.
Suppliers are to provide a mechanism for individuals to raise concerns about actual or potential violations of law or the principles provided in this Code. If raised, such concerns must be addressed in a fair and transparent way. Suppliers are expected to protect confidentiality and prohibit retaliation against those who raise any concerns.
This privacy policy explains how Innospec Inc.’s group companies and offices, which the EU General Data Protection Regulation applies, use third party personal data collected when Innospec does business with them. Third parties include customers, suppliers, agents, consultants, and partners who are individuals, as well as, where any of these are entities, their respective shareholders, directors, officers, managers, key employees, or other individuals. Please make yourself familiar with this policy and if you have any questions related to the personal data Innospec may hold about you, please contact your supplier relations representative.
Suppliers shall ensure that their business operations, including the sourcing, manufacture and distribution of products and the supply of services are conducted with the aim to protect and preserve the environment. Suppliers are expected to strive for continual environmental improvements in their operations including in relation to natural resource consumption, material sourcing, energy and water usage, waste generation and emissions. As a minimum, Suppliers are expected to meet all applicable environmental laws, regulations, and rules in the countries in which they operate. Click here for more information.
Suppliers shall supply products and services that are of the requisite quality and which meet all applicable safety standards