AquaBourne™: Review of the data
What is AquaBourne
AquaBourne is Innospec Oilfield Services’ answer to many operators’ problems. It’s an industry first water-based friction reducer (FR) which offers improved FR performance, compared with conventional dry options. Its standout benefits are its rapid hydration and aA little going a long way, making it cost-effective.
How does AquaBourne compare to conventional FR?
For operators considering their friction reducer options, it’s important to review the data on the performance of AquaBourne. This patented FR is the market’s first water-based friction reducer that offers supreme performance compared with conventional options, enabling operators to obtain the same levels of friction reduction, while sending less polymer downhole.
The graph below of a recent frac shows that the client was able to use 16% less polymer in their processes while holding the same pressure and rate as the oil-laden friction reducer. Note the loading of AquaBourne (in dark blue) compared with the loading gpt of the competitor FR:
The client was able to replace 110 gals of oil per stage due to AquaBourne’s aqueous carrier fluid
Less polymer downhole results in less polymer residue or formation & proppant pack plugging that can occur when the formation is overtreated with too much FR product. It’s a huge benefit of AquaBourne, alongside its easy-on-use on-site chemistry and rapid hydration.
Similarly let’s compare the performance on AquaBourne and traditional powder using the same loading amount. At 0.2gpt, AquaBourne maintains a substantial lead over time, giving operators and pressure pumping companies a highly effective FR option:
With less product required, you will save money by choosing AquaBourne. It is proven to improve FR performance, at an affordable price.
Ready to order?
We hope the data has demonstrated the benefits of our new patented water-based FR. AquaBourne will help you reach your efficiency goals, offering supreme performance at lower loading amounts. Contact us today to get your quote or to find out more information.
You can also explore our full range of friction reducers here.